The ARMORTHOR Termite Security System is a totally engineered, physical termite barrier, designed to prevent termite entry into buildings by "hidden access"; without using any poisonous chemicals. By installing the System as part of the building process, you will guarantee that termites have nowhere to hide.
- An engineered physical termite barrier that forces termites into the open.
- Premium quality, chemical free and environmentally friendly termite security system.
- Termites can't eat through or damage the ARMORTHOR barrier.
- Termites can't get past the ARMORTHOR barrier. Suitable for most building types, including high rise and creative architectural designs, installed during the construction stage.
- Supported with full technical assistance and accredited operators.
- No need to spray chemicals.
- Made of long-life, Ultra Marine Grade Aluminium to withstand the harshest treatment, including extreme coastal marine conditions.
- Good for the environment and your family - No toxic chemicals.
- Adds value to your property Can be installed Pre- or Post-Pour, i.e. before or after concrete slab casting.